Thinking Of Rennovating Your Old Commercial Property? Get A Loan And Take These Steps To Improve Your Property Value

22 November 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

An outdated business interior can make people feel like your services are outdated, and if you own a commercial property, you have to maintain it. If your building is decades old and it shows, you may want to consider getting a business renovation loan. If there is equity in the building, you can potentially use this equity to make changes to the building without having to tap into savings. If not, spending the money and getting the loan will help you improve the space, and it will increase the value of the business. Read More 

Taking A Swim In The Money Pool: How Other People Get In And Get Out Richer

25 September 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Trying to get more money always seems the name of the game, right? It is rather frustrating, day after day, week after week, trying to chase down every dollar. Maybe that is why so many people risk their hard-earned dollars on playing the lottery. It represents the chance of a lifetime, that chance that they will not have to squeeze and scrape anymore. If you play the lottery for that same reason but you are tired of losing, maybe you need to find a pattern in winning behavior. Read More 

3 Things To Know About Precious Metal IRAs

1 August 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

From stocks and bonds to real estate and cryptocurrency, there are many ways to invest your money. Even though nobody can predict the future, certain investments can be more worthwhile than others. Precious metals, such as gold and silver, are excellent options if you want a decent return on your investment over time. However, precious metal IRAs offer a way of investing in gold and silver without having to worry about storing and stocking physical metals. Read More 

Tax Preparation: 3 Tips To Keep Things Simple

6 June 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

When it comes to taxes, it can be easy to procrastinate. After all, who wants to file their taxes—especially if they know they are going to have to pay in? Even if you don't have to pay taxes to the government, there aren't many people who want to mess with all the paperwork that tax season brings. However, you don't want to wait until close to the April 15th deadline to deal with your taxes. Read More 

3 Mortgage Myths

15 March 2019
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Buying a home is a dream for many people. Securing a mortgage has helped many people realize their dream of homeownership. Unfortunately, the process of applying and closing on a mortgage can be a bit intimidating at times. By debunking these common myths, you will have a better understanding of mortgages. Excellent Credit Is Mandatory One of the most common myths people believe is that excellent credit is mandatory for securing a mortgage. Read More