Bail Bonds: Dispelling Common Myths And Misconceptions

25 September 2023
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog


Bail bonds have been around for a long time, and there are many misconceptions about them. This blog post talks about some of the common myths and misconceptions about bail bonds and helps to set the record straight.

Myth #1: Bail bonds are only for people who are guilty.

One of the most common misconceptions about bail bonds is that they are only used by people who are guilty. This is not true at all. The Constitution of the United States ensures that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. People can be arrested for all sorts of reasons, and not all of them are guilty. Some people are arrested for things they did not do.

Myth #2: Bail bonds are only for serious crimes.

Many people believe that bail bonds are only for people who have committed serious crimes. This is not true. Bail bonds can be used for all sorts of offenses, from traffic violations to more serious crimes. The amount of bail that is set depends on the severity of the crime, among other factors. It is not uncommon for bail to be set at a high amount for a minor offense, such as a DUI.

Myth #3: Once you post bail, you are free to do whatever you want.

Another common misconception about bail bonds is that once you post bail, you are free to do whatever you want. This is not true. By posting bail, you are essentially making a commitment to attend your trial as scheduled. If you fail to show up, you can be re-arrested, and you could lose your bail. You are also required to follow certain rules while you are out on bail. For example, you may be required to check in with your bail bondsman regularly, stay away from certain people or places, or refrain from doing certain things.

Myth #4: Bail bonds are too expensive for most people.

Finally, many people believe that bail bonds are too expensive for most people. This is not true. Bail bonds are often a much more affordable option than paying the full amount of bail upfront. Bail bond companies commonly levy a modest percentage of the overall bail sum as their fee.

Bail bonds are a valuable tool for people who have been arrested and are waiting for their trial. Reach out to a professional in your area for more information about bail bonds